- The Start! Course (‘God, Jesus and the Journey of Life’ in Six Online 1-hour sessions) is a fun way to explore the Christian faith with others in a small group. It makes no assumptions about what you believe! The sessions are: –
- Life is for Living
- Oh my God!
- Jesus who?
- What’s gone wrong?
- Dying to save us
- Into the arms of love.
Each session is based around short videos (shot in fairgrounds, railway stations and Blackpool beach!) and discussion points. Interested? For further deatils and to find out when the next course is running please email [email protected]

The Bible Course – https://www.biblesociety.org.uk/explore-the-bible/the-bible-course/
- – What is this best seller all about?
- – Is it relevant today?
- – Where do you start?
- – Got questions to solve?
Join our a groups on zoom exploring this big story
- Interested? – email: [email protected]
if you would like to get in touch about other matters on you mind the please email [email protected] or send a message via our facebook page: stjohnthedivinerastrick