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For those unable to attend church, the Sunday Church of England online service
Morning Prayer, Tuesday to Saturday, live on Facebook at 8.30 am and then recorded for later access. (NB. There is no need to create a Facebook account.)
30/03/25 – Orchestra of Square Chapel 3 pm
5/04/25 – Halifax & District Organ Recital 2 pm
23/04/25 -Halifax Winter Choir 7.30 pm
22/06/25 Orchestra of Square Chapel 5 pm
28/06/25 – The Houghton Weavers 7:30 pm
19/20th Sept – Beer Festival
Read the Church Magazine
Booking the Church or Community Hall
Church & Hall Calendar
Read about the refurbished Church organ
Welcome to our church of St John the Divine, Rastrick. We seek to be a vibrant Christian family at the heart of our local community in and around Rastrick. We have a diverse congregation, with people of all ages, families of different shapes and sizes, and single people too. Our worship is varied, embracing old and new, formal and informal, including words, music, silence and action. We value the service of Holy Communion and Bible based teaching. You will find a warm welcome at any of our services, and we look forward to meeting you. All are welcome, always.
Rev’d Michelle Petch, Vicar
Rev’d Michelle Petch
Tel: (01484) 710538
e-mail : [email protected]
With my prayers and every blessing

Safeguarding Policy St Johns is committed to the safeguarding of Young People and Vulnerable Adults. The Parochial Church Council has based its policy on the Church of England’s policies and best practice on Safeguarding. The policy is updated annually and can be found here.
Mara - How can we help in difficult times?
The Safe House provides a haven for 36 girls whose local school is closed at present. Melina explains that to educate the girls, they would have to hire teachers. As a substitute, they could access programmes on TV if they could buy a satellite decoder. But they haven’t any funds other than for basic necessities. Oriel (Tel 719352) will be very pleased to forward any contributions towards this important work that is funded by the Leeds Diocese. Donations from taxpayers can be Gift Aided.
A message from Brighouse Central Foodbank
Over the next few weeks the foodbank
are collecting anything to make a meal this could include tins of meat, tins of
vegetables, tins of rice pudding etc. Cleaning products are also needed. Your gifts of food and toiletries are always so gratefully received. Plastic carrier bags are always needed to distribute the food from the foodbank.
All donations would be greatly appreciated and can be left in the basket in church, or donations of money can be made to the Foodbank
Prayer for our church
God of Mission
Who alone brings growth to your Church,
Send your Holy Spirit
to give vision to our planning,
Wisdom to our actions,
And power to our witness.
Help our Church to grow in numbers,
In spiritual commitment to you,
And in service to our local community,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Mission & Charities
Here is the recent allocation of Missions and Charities money Farm Africa (Urban Agriculture) to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia – £500 Salvation Army to support Christmas meals locally – £200 Operation Mobilisation – Mozambique – £250 to support a worker Project Colt in Elland, a social enterprise which aims to change people’s lives for good – £200 Central Methodist, Brighouse, Food Bank for Christmas and Winter, towards whatever is the greatest need – £200 Dementia Awareness in our area – £250 In addition, we send £40 to Nyakiswa, £30 to Turning Point and £10 to Hand and Mouth Ministries monthly by Direct Debit.